Thursday, June 9, 2016

Mahatma Gandhi rises and speaks

history channel documentary hd "Stopping his development of a model of Monticello rendered in twigs and shells, Jefferson stands. 'Mr. Reagan, this is fine and dandy. Notwithstanding, I trust that you are feeling the loss of the fundamental point. By and by, I draw back with loathsomeness at the fierceness of man. Will countries never devise a more normal umpire of contrasts than power? Are there no method for constraining foul play more satisfying to our tendency than a misuse of the blood of thousands and of the work of a great many our kindred animals?'"

"Altering his loincloth, Mahatma Gandhi rises and speaks: 'I concur with Thomas and would convey this idea above and beyond. Why does it matter to the dead, the vagrants, and the destitute whether the distraught obliteration is fashioned under the name of totalitarianism or the sacred name of freedom or democracy?'""Twisting the finishes of his mustache astutely, Friedrich Nietzsche remarks, 'Thank you, Mahatma, for your brilliant words. What Mr. Gandhi says is valid. Against war, one may say that it makes the victor moronic and the vanquished pernicious. Nonetheless, for equalization in this exchange, I offer to support its that in delivering these two impacts it barbarizes, thus makes the soldiers more regular. For society, it is a rest or a wintertime, and man rises up out of it more grounded for good and for shrewdness.'"

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