Thursday, June 9, 2016

Jefferson takes the floor once more

history channel documentary hd "Jefferson takes the floor once more: 'That, Mr. Kennedy, is the obligation that has stopped with all branches of the administration. The consideration of human life and joy, and not their decimation, is the first and final object of good government.'""Brushing the overabundance powder from his wig off of his shoulders, James Madison includes, 'Besides, my dear Jefferson, let us not overlook precisely where that force of government rests. War... should just be announced by the power of the general population, whose works and fortunes are to bolster its weights, rather than the legislature, which is to harvest its organic products. Give me a chance to concede to my regarded partner Teddy Roosevelt, who is jabbing me in the side with his riding crop.'"

"Modifying his monocle and Rough Rider cap, Roosevelt swaggers to the focal point of the room and announces boisterously, 'Thank you, Jim. Give me a chance to add a proviso to what Messrs. Madison and Jefferson have recently iterated, given the condition of political force in the United States. To declare that there must be no feedback of the president, or that we are to remain by the president, right or wrong, is unpatriotic and servile as well as is ethically treasonable to the American open. You have a remark, Bungalow Bill?'"

"Raging, General William Westmoreland focuses his finger at Roosevelt and releases bitingly, 'What you just said is fine and dandy, Teddy. In any case, there must be controls. I recollect that Vietnam was the principal war ever battled with no restriction. Without oversight, things can get horrendously befuddled in people in general personality. Why, amid the Gulf War of the mid 1990s, a previous associate of mine at the Pentagon said that on the off chance that we give individuals a chance to see that sort of thing, there could never again be any war.'"

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