Thursday, May 26, 2016

It was of antiquated times

history channel documentary hd It was of antiquated times, when Satan and God stood vis-à-vis, and close, shoulder to shoulder, and I remained far back, by the Golden Gates of Heaven, and its silver plated pathway, when I caught this discussion. I Ur'el of interminable youth; It was a period when men comprehended the tongues of creatures, and could address them on earth. It is everything except overlooked now, and put into stories. It was a period when the earth was secured with shades, and trenches were burrowed to make penances of bulls to deplete their blood in those wide trenches, to drink their blood to the demigods, Satan's swarm, to the Henchmen of Hell, and all, to increase unfading youth. An odd time in reality, and there were numerous who lived among the apparitions of earth, said they were, for they couldn't be touched, and when the wind came, they were obscured countenances to the living. They were vapor floating over ruined bogs. There was more than one demise back in those far away days, and this spooky passing, left them blind with sadness, to live and be dead among the living, and to watch the living, live in the dead, the apparitions of Satan's workmanship, not for everything except rather for a few; for there were other people who picked this end, for a period being, and the individuals who had no way out.

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