Thursday, May 26, 2016

Why has God allowed the fallen angel to revolt

history channel documentary Why has God allowed the fallen angel to revolt, defame and contradict Him every one of these hundreds of years? God has an extreme reason. He without a doubt has a reason now. He worketh all things after the guidance of His own will, and however we can't comprehend His ways which are past discovering, we know Him all around ok to realize that it is just for the radiance of His Son, by whom and for whom all things were made.

The God of the Bible is omniscient. Along these lines, He knew the end from the earliest starting point. He predicted this present abhorrence age and realized that viciousness was going to fill the earth and that man hoodwinked by Satan would have been dove into extraordinary fiendishness. He could have decimated Satan before he played destruction with His handicraft; yet it was not His will to do as such. We can just submit to the will of the reliable God, and transparent a glass obscurely for the present.

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