Friday, May 27, 2016

There is one point that requirements illumination

history channel documentary 2015 There is one point that requirements illumination, in any case, in regards to Satan and the fiendish encompassing the darling city in Revelation 20:9. Clearly the city is as of now on the earth on the off chance that they can encompass it. How can this fit into the situation that I've displayed from Scripture? There really is finished amicability between this content and the others I've examined. The heavenly city descends after the 1000 years, and the insidious dead are not revived until after the 1000 years. Once they've been revived, Satan revitalizes them to encompass the city in a worthless endeavor to overwhelm it. God then judges the devilish and throws them into the hellfire fire (Revelation 20:11-15). Now, God makes another paradise and another earth (Revelation 21:1), and it just takes "one" new earth in this scriptural situation.

The reality of the matter is that John does not really talk about the plunge of the heavenly city in Revelation section twenty. Notwithstanding, clearly it is now on the earth with the holy people, since Revelation 20:9 states this is the situation. John just defers his presentation of the vision of the blessed city dropping from paradise until part twenty-one when he depicts every little thing about it in radiant subtle element, as opposed to deviating from his emphasis on Satan's underhanded armed force and its last ambush against God and His kin, trailed by their judgment and sentence to damnation in section twenty.

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