Sunday, May 29, 2016

At the outset there was THE WORD and the Word was with God and the Word was God

history channel documentary Women and honorable men, the NEW WORLD ORDER that incredibly has been arranged circumspectly or deceitfully rather, since the 1700's is going to wind up a reality. Mystery social orders, demon admirers, have been attempting to nullify government as we probably am aware it, the privilege to love uninhibitedly, and the responsibility for property for a considerable length of time. I will broadly expound in our next experience however this was anticipated in our Instruction Manual "THE BIBLE".Why do I trust the Bible, why do I acknowledge it as a definitive wellspring of truth?Because each and every thing that has been said in it in regards to the future has come completely genuine. There are more than 600 predictions about "Jesus", most composed a huge number of years before his entry, numerous composed several years prior to he graced this planet with his carnal nearness and every single one of them has materialized to the letter.

Actually the Bible is Jesus! "At the outset there was THE WORD and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word got to be fragile living creature and made his residence among us, the radiance of the One and Only who originated from the Father. THE WORD OF GOD is JESUS!As God got to be unmistakable by putting on an earth suit so likewise has his Son gotten to be substantial by putting on earth content. The Bible is THE WORD OF GOD and Jesus is that Word. We were told where Jesus would be conceived, what he would do, how he would live, and how he would bite the dust and be restored a large number of years before it happened.

I am not the most intelligent man on the planet but rather I know enough to listen to somebody who lets me know what's going to happen before it happens precisely as anticipated. I may not be Einstein but rather I am sufficiently brilliant to realize that I am doltish when defied with the Creator of the Universe and life itself. So I accept!

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