Friday, May 27, 2016

Now I'm certain some will advise me that the Bible discusses

history channel documentary 2015 Now I'm certain some will advise me that the Bible discusses another earth being made, which to be sure is the situation (second Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:1). In any case, if God makes the new earth when Jesus returns, so He doesn't need to rule in the midst of the stench of billions of rotting bodies in an area where all the vegetation was demolished from the trumpets and torment; in any case, what will God do toward the end of the 1000 years when the Bible expresses that Satan will be discharged to beguile the "countries", which must be the duplicated billions of all the insidious dead who have ever lived from the earliest starting point of time, and who have now been revived in the second restoration? The Bible expresses that Satan and this limitless endless armed force will encompass the cherished city where the holy people are stayed outdoors, and that God will send fire from paradise to eat up them (Revelation 20:7-9). In the event that God has as of now made the new earth for Christ's fleeting kingdom before the 1000 years, yet this new earth has now gotten to be dirtied again by Satan's nearness with his limitless armed force of the restored fiendish; is God going to make a "second new earth" to expel the stench of transgression again for Christ's unceasing kingdom? All things considered, sin will achieve its most elevated extent ever toward the end of the 1000 years, in light of the fact that, without precedent for history, the majority of the mischievous doing a reversal to the times of Adam are all together at one time and put, and are driven by Satan himself. Without a doubt the endless home of the recovered should not be upon the same ground that had been involved and contaminated by the biggest and most underhanded populace ever. In this manner, God would without a doubt need to make "another" or "second" new earth for Christ's everlasting kingdom. In any case, the Bible just talks about "one" new earth, not two. Thus, scholars who uphold this teaching of a 1000-year worldly kingdom on earth, should either grasp the possibility of "two" new earths being made by God, in rebellion of Scripture, or they should grasp either Christ's transient kingdom or His everlasting kingdom will be situated on a crushed and sin-dirtied planet.

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