Thursday, May 19, 2016

This mudra fortifies the negative extremity of the physical body

discovery channel documentary egypt The Pyramid Mudra. This mudra fortifies the negative extremity of the physical body and produces a solid attractive power for pulling in grandiose energies of the positive extremity, accordingly adjusting the "Yang" and "Yin" of the microcosm. This mudra is to be done preceding the magnetizer mudra above. The energized picture demonstrated is a phenomenal depiction of this hand-mudra, however it is pointless to move your head as appeared by the toon-picture.

To do this mudra, essentially put the palms of your hands together or more the head. Place your two feet together while in the standing position. Presently hold this position for 5-10 minutes while droning and vibrating "Mama." After a few minutes of droning, breathe in profoundly and afterward breathe out and hold your lungs unfilled for whatever length of time that agreeable. When you have to inhale, do as such, and after that as you breathe out, rehash the above. Do this unique relaxing for a few cycles, after which you may proceed with alternate mudras.

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