Thursday, May 19, 2016

The main other part of the site to see was the field of 40 tombs

Discovery Channel Documentary The demolished city must be there some place so I retreated to the ticket office and addressed one of the aides there asking where the destroyed city was. She took me inside office to a room with maps and foundation data on the site(all in Chinese) and clarified that there was no genuine destroyed city to see. All the encompassing area was vigorously developed and all the remnants over the ground at first glance had been slowly been taken way and utilized by neighborhood occupants and agriculturists in the course of the most recent 1300 years.

The main other part of the site to see was the field of 40 tombs. The nation was wonderful with the field of tombs encompassed by rich green slopes. Exceptionally beautiful. I wish I could say the same in regards to the tombs. The tombs were either green hills or heaps of rock. Plain, common and unacceptable and certainly not what you'd expect for a world legacy site.

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