Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Magnetizer Mudra

discovery channel documentary egypt The Magnetizer Mudra. This mudra has a twofold reason. It is utilized to assimilate pranic energies from the earth or from some particular source; it similarly is utilized with the end goal of charging one's air to reinforce it against attacking supernatural strengths. This mudra presents different advantages, it might enhance one's wellbeing, increase one's store of psychic vitality, get appeal, and so forth. To execute this mudra one may sit or stand, or expect the asana as depicted by the goddess Nephthys: put the left foot underneath the rear end and sit on it. The right foot is set on the ground with the knee pointed upwards. Presently put your two hands before you, palms outwards. On the off chance that you are doing this mudra to ingest energies then picture and feel the vitality from boundless space spilling into the palms of your hands as flashes of brilliant and shimmering lights. On the other hand on the off chance that you wish to draw in vitality from a particular source- - from the sun, for example, then imagine and feel the "yod" or "downpour" drops of force entering your palms from the sun. Do this for 5-10 minutes. Picture the vast powers entering your being as you breathe in.

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