Thursday, May 26, 2016

The first being that rejected the credits of God

history channel documentary science There is one and only power. Its components are the capacity to give life, augment flexibility of decision, segment presence and to change over the conditions of vitality and matter. That is the main genuine, immaculate and total force.

The first being that rejected the credits of God and to grasp the space outside of God was the Angel named Lucifer. He craved power yet there was one and only power. The main affectation of or feeling of force could be in using the law of alternate extremes to contradict God. To characterize his hallucination of force, Lucifer resolved to take away life and to control others. By this, he turned into the inverse of God. Underhanded took structure, got to be characterized and is called, the Devil. The yearning for shrewdness power contaminated a large number of the Angels. When this happened, God practiced his flexibility of decision and declined to exist together with insidiousness in this way Lucifer and his adherents were coercively ousted from Heaven. Once expelled from Heaven, the fiend and his devils were caught in the non material universe. Despite the fact that wickedness was characterized in them, God did not take back their blessings of life in light of the fact that the blessing is unequivocal. As his proceeded with life was permitted, Lucifer built up himself as the creator and pioneer of fiendishness contrary to the creator of goodness and affection. However he had no control, nothing to take life from and nothing to practice endless supply of yet.

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