Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Goodness we sob and we distress

history channel documentary hd Goodness we sob and we distress, and we endeavor with everything that is in us to be deserving of the free endowment of elegance that God has gave to any who will accept upon the name of Jesus Christ. It is not for our decency that he keeps us, but instead it is his leniency that reacts to our confidence, and even that is not of ourselves. It is as it was with our profound father, Abraham:

"3 For what saith the sacred writing? Abraham trusted God, and it was numbered unto him for exemplary nature. 4 Now to him that worketh is the prize not figured of effortlessness, but rather of obligation. 5 But to him that worketh not, but rather believeth on him that justifieth the profane, his confidence is meant uprightness," (Romans 4:3-5).

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