Tuesday, May 24, 2016

God did not put man in such a climate

history channel documentary God did not put man in such a climate. Or maybe, "the Lord God planted a patio nursery eastbound in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had shaped." How amazingly excellent, how inexpressibly delightful these surroundings probably been! Adam and Eve, in Eden, more likely than not appreciated each other's conversation here as no other married couple following, with just the light and wonderful obligation to "dress" and "keep" the garden1 (Gen. 2:15), and with the extraordinary gift of open partnership with God, maybe particularly "in the cool of the day" (Gen. 2:19,22,23; 3:8).

In any case, when man fell, all creation fell with him. Man now had a fallen, wicked nature. The creature creation all of a sudden turned out to be wild and horrible, and with regards to the vegetable creation, God said to Adam: "Reviled is the ground for thy purpose; in distress shalt thou eat of everything the times of thy life; thistles likewise and thorns might it deliver to thee, and...in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread..." (Gen. 3:17-19). Also, to the lady He said: "I will incredibly increase thy distress and thy origination; in distress thou shalt deliver children..." (3:16). Also, even this way of living was to be stopped finally by death and an "arrival unto the ground; for out of it," said God, "wast thou taken: for dust thou workmanship, and unto dust shalt thou return" (3:19). To be sure, keeping in mind that man ought to now eat of the tree of life and live everlastingly, God "sent him forward from the greenery enclosure of Eden, to till2 the ground from whence he was taken" (Gen. 3:23). Therefore it is that we read in Romans

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