Thursday, August 18, 2016

Where do these elusive lessons originate from?

history channel documentary Where do these elusive lessons originate from? What is there unique source? These internal lessons go far once more into the inaccessible fogs of time, before written history, however we can in any event follow them back to a few a large number of years and to later times, to the old Egyptian secret schools, the Eleusinian Mysteries of Greece, the lessons of Hermes Trismegistus, the Druidic Mysteries, Dionysian Mysteries, the Orphic Mysteries, the Pythagorean rationality, the Hebrew Cabbala, the initiatory school of Moria-el, the Essenes, Jesus Christ's lessons, et cetera. Yet, the wellsprings of these schools and riddle lessons basically originate from the antiquated and enchanted White Brotherhood (existing in the higher planes) and its emissaries who have strolled the Earth for a few a large number of years, educating and illuminating individuals of all countries. To refer to a case, Moria-el was an awesome expert from the White Brotherhood who lived around 1300 B.C. in Egypt. He started innumerable souls through a specific start we at present call Baptism, for he underscored the mysterious ceremony of submersion by water, a type of otherworldly cleansing that arranged every spirit for further light. Actually, the start of Baptism was proceeded by John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, turning into a typical custom in the Christian places of worship, in spite of the fact that its elusive level is misconstrued by most.

What do these Ancient Wisdom Teachings comprise of? As a rule, they included profound starts, speculative chemistry, consecrated formality (or ceremonies), imagery, all inclusive standards, otherworldly teaches and practices, various different sciences and expressions, and so on. These frequently show through different distinctive structures, frameworks, and schools or customs, contingent upon the specific land and culture and time. As a rule they showed through vehicles such Shamanism, Hermeticism, the Cabbala, the Tarot, Eastern and Oriental customs, Gnosticism, Theosophy, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, et cetera. Despite the fact that the lion's share of world religions are exoteric, there are exclusive levels inside them that lone their educators and understudies will recognize. In any case, the key go for the Greater Work of the sacrosanct Wisdom Teachings is to raise the cognizance of humanity, to elevate individuals into a higher vibrational level, through Illumination and the other awesome Initiations, so they will in the long run enter Cosmic Consciousness. Now they will get to be Masters of Life who will reach down and lift others up too. Thus the inestimable cycle proceeds, until all individuals from humankind in the long run get to be edified. The Age of World Illumination is near drawing nearer.

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