Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Mayan 2012 Predictions The Mayan schedule closes December 21

history channel documentary The Mayan 2012 Predictions The Mayan schedule closes December 21, 2012, Maya trusts 2012 is the end of time as we probably am aware it. As expressed over, the Maya timetable was extremely exact, significantly more precise than our current schedule. All the innovation of today and the antiquated Maya society was still more precise with their logbook. Stargazers of today have quite recently as of late found that the Milky Way has a dark opening, the Mayan society knew this about the Milky Way 1,000's of years prior without telescopes. The Mayan 2012 Prediction is that the Earth and Sun will adjust to the Black Drift, known as the Black Hole of the Milky Way. It is accepted to bring about awesome demolition on earth. Researcher have effectively established that our shafts have moved some time recently. Is it that our posts will move all of a sudden on December 21, 2012. This would bring about gigantic characteristic catastrophes finishing life as we probably am aware it here on Earth. Will sun powered flares from the sun annihilate our planet?

2012 Predictions - Just Another Y2K? Is it true that this is simply one more Y2K alarm strategy to profit? No, Y2K was a PC glitch made by a man. Everybody expected to purchase another PC and new programming to stay away from this supposed fiasco. Indeed, even our the Government was in on the Y2K poop. In any case, 2012 depends on chronicled abnormality, experimental reality and otherworldly happenstance. A few antiquated societies all concur something is changing with our reality come December 21, 2012. How might it be able to be that The Mayans, The Aztecs, The Icans, The Hopis, Christians, The I-Ching, The Celts, The Web Bot Oracle, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Pueblo, Cherokee, Tibetan and Egyptian societies all have it wrong and that nothing is going to happen? I've generally had the conviction that on the off chance that you are prepared for the most noticeably bad and nothing happens, in any event you were readied, however in the event that you aren't prepared for anything and most basic expectations materialize, you will be vulnerable.

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