Friday, July 15, 2016

Hong Kong is an offbeat blend of ultramodern glass

history channel documentary science Hong Kong is an offbeat blend of ultramodern glass and steel- - and conventional mud blocks and stone. Showing up and vanishing in the twirling fog covering the legendary South China Sea, oddly recognizable Chinese throws out journey nearby smooth sea liners. Impressions going back and forth like the pontoons in the mist, I see points of interest of within format of a sampan- - in spite of the fact that I've never looked at one before!Winding my way through slender rear ways jumbled with shacks offering everything from jade to silk, elephant tusks to intriguing winged creatures in overlaid confines, I sense that I've strolled these cobblestone roads long prior. I feel some lost association with the unusual merchandise being sold so riotously. At day break, many individuals fill pocketsize parks with the smooth excellence of Tai Chi and Chinese Sword Dance. Goosebumps on my arm advise me that I, as well, honed these expressions in some other time.

Outside fish tanks before each eatery guarantee crisp, heavenly pieces of squid and eel. The impactful scents of appetizing spiced pigeon ricochet through my tangible memory bank. Shockingly, it doesn't strike me as strange to eat the head, feet, ears and nose of fish, pig, puppy and creepy crawly, as local people appreciate in this land is not so much as outsider as I thought.I wend my way between hallowed stone sanctuaries predominated by cloud-kissing high rises. Walking around the endless magnificence and concordance of the place of worship patio nurseries, I see gleaming pictures of me trimming the fragile bonsai trees and tending the rich lakes of hesitant and turtles graced with waterfalls and high angled footbridges.

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