Saturday, April 9, 2016

As indicated by different sources

History Channel Full Episodes Paulus Orosius (385-420 CE), a student of history and scholar expressed in his 'History against the agnostics' the accompanying concerning the Serapeum: Today there exist in sanctuaries books mid-section, which we ourselves have seen, and, when these sanctuaries were ravaged, these, we are told, were exhausted by our own men in our time, which, to be sure, is a genuine explanation. The destroyers were pleased by decimating the aggregated learning of the time for the sake of Yahweh. The remaining parts of the library that survived the Christian crowds have been devastated for the sake of Allah.

History Channel Full Episodes As indicated by different sources, the colossal library, or the remaining parts of it, was obliterated in 640 CE by Amr, the pioneer of the Islamic powers that assaulted and took Egypt, after the order of Caliph Omar. On the topic of Amr, on what to do with the books of the immense library, Caliph Omar should have addressed that the books ought to be demolished in light of the fact that: They will either negate the Koran, in which case they are blasphemy, or they will concur with it, so they are unnecessary. At that point the archives should have been utilized as tinder as a part of the bathhouse for a while! Among the treasury books lost amid the blazing of the imperial library, were the vast majority of the 42 books of Instructions, or the 42 Books of Thoth (Hermes Trismegistos), as they are better known. Some of them portrayed how to achieve "eternality", among different subjects.

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